The state of “The” Real Estate Market frequently finds its ways into discussions at social gatherings and various meetings. Regardless of whether the real estate markets are on firm ground or shaky ground, we all occupy real estate every moment of our lives.
Many sectors of both residential and commercial real estate in the United States have experienced recoveries during the past few years. The stronger real estate markets, however, create new challenges for clients, but there are always opportunities given some proper insight and creativity. Even in a more competitive marketplace with fairly fierce competition for quality properties, our clients have managed to find value.
The lesson to be learned is that every phase of the economic cycle presents challenges for real estate investors, yet such challenges should only bring out the best in us and make us work more efficiently than ever to procure valuable opportunities for our valued clients.
We look forward to growing with our clients no matter what circumstances arise.
David Schwalb
Schwalb Realty Group, Inc.